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Matt Nathanson
Stanford Coffee House
Palo Alto, CA

1:  We'll Recover
2:  Bare
3:  Weight of it All
4:  Wings
5:  Lucky Boy
6:  Continue Dreaming
7:  (I Want it That Way) !
8:  Livin' on a Prayer *
9:  More Than This
10:  Church Clothes
11:  Miracles
12:  I Saw
13:  First Time
14:  Answering Machine
15:  Loud
16:  Little Victories

Backstreet Boys
Bon Jovi
Photo: Samantha Lien
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Matt Nathanson

this a prince song. the lyrics don't make much sense, but then again, neither does prince, does he? little man, symbol man, little ass, lots of women. he's like an elf-- a sex elf, making fudgy sex cookies.