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Matt Nathanson
Borders Books and Music
Seattle, WA

1:  Weight of it All
2:  Bare
3:  Pretty the World
4:  Angel >
5:  I Saw
6:  Starfish and Coffee ! < >
7:  (Stayin' Alive) *
8:  Answering Machine

Bee Gees
Photo: Samantha Lien
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Matt Nathanson

"I'm feeling very intimate, and that's not just because I'm wearing underwear by Ladies' Underwear. I've got on a teddy...Aaron's got a thong on with my name on it, John's got a garter belt on under his pants, Nick's got...well, I won't even tell you what Nick's got on, but it's fucked up and sexy. Not, like the flesh of a young boy fucked up...