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  • You made me a card? There are pictures inside. You and your friends are wearing Hooters uniforms. It was Halloween? Sure it was. I love the wings at your place! - Maggie

  • I\'m on the Lifehouse tour...feeling very Christian. -

  • I think we\'re gonna continue doing this. Not this song, I mean career wise. I\'ll be back one, maybe two times to do shows before I become a carpenter like Jesus. I\'m so excited! -

  • I need you to sing this part; I can fall alone if all if I can fall away...that doesn\'t make ANY sense! -

  • What the fuck, Elton John on the keyboard. What just happened? You\'ve got one note...but its a pretty important fucking note. -

  • If you wanna hear a Springsteen song, maybe you should go to his fucking show. -

  • These lights are insane. Another movie I saw recently was 30 Days of Night. They used lamps to kill the vampires and it was a lot like at least we know I\'m not a vampire. -

  • Shh! Listen! If anyone interrupts me by talking, I\'m going to kick you in the throat. -

  • ...
    Matt Nathanson

    This song is about sharing.