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  • [Gone] This song is for Miley Cyrus. I have a deep, emotional connection with a fifteen year old girl. Thank god for television. -

  • Fuck, I\'m sweating so much! It\'s like the swamps in Degobah in my pants right now! Like, Yoda and Luke are sprintin\' around in there, eating weird food, and being all \"800 years old I am...\" -

  • We\'re going to tickle your nipples. -

  • If you need help, I\'m here for you. I have water and...towels. So basically I\'m here for you in spirit. In love. -

  • (one of the band members is having technical issues with his pedals) Sorry, we\'re having trouble at NASA over here. -

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    Did you know:

    Matt Nathanson has played 1723 shows in 1065 venues.