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  • it's all about releasing the stuff inside you, you know what i mean? letting out it, because it will kill you slowly. no, it'll make you stronger, trust me. just repress it, push it way down, and it becomes like fuel. - Matt Nathanson

  • A girl in the audience yells, "Marry me?" Matt's response - Done. Where and when? Should we get married in Vegas in the Britney chapel? - Matt Nathanson

  • and then everything you do is based around the fuel of revenge of someone who probably doesn't even know you exist anymore. it's kind of nice... no it's not, i'm a total loser. - Matt Nathanson

  • and this is about puppies, and ummm it's about the way puppies scratch their ear. and it's just so cute, and they're floppy. then they make friends with bunnies and then the bunnies and the puppies are together. it's very cute and then they're outside - Matt Nathanson

  • I admit that I am attracted to Hilary Duff. I have decided that she is being marketed to ME. Matt and I were at her birthday party, watching it on ABC Family. - Matt Nathanson

  • Maybe if you shut the hell up I'll play it.. just kidding I love you - Matt Nathanson

  • the best part about this song is that the girl that it's about, if i bumped into her on the street, she would have no idea who the hell i was. and here i am thirteen years later still playing it - Matt Nathanson

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    To a gentleman sitting down: "By the end of the night I'll be in your lap and they're gonna call us the Mann Center."