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  • (after introducing the band) And I'm Howie Day. Thanks for hanging out with us. I'm from Maine, and I'm angry. - Matt Nathanson

  • Look at the way he handles himself on that thing! That's like jacking off a rhino. (re: John's Starfish and Coffee solo) - Matt Nathanson

  • This next song (microphone feedbacks) too much rock for this motherfuckin' PA. - Matt Nathanson

  • This song is about sharing. - Matt Nathanson

  • [Ashlee Simpson's] acid reflux thing... It was gross when we made out and stuff, but it's... Whatever, y'know. Sorta burned a little bit. It was sorta sexy. At first it was like, 'Oh, you're like a dragon!' - Matt Nathanson

  • I don't know if you're familiar with my history, but this is a song about when I used to battle rap on the streets of Detroit, just to get by. - Matt Nathanson

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