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  • It's good isn't it? It's's like a drug... It's like drug, we're doing drugs...tell your friends...tell your parents you went and you did drugs...with Matt Nathanson..he's a fucking...that's right - Matt Nathanson

  • "Ah..ohh I blue balled you in the front. I'm like 'Where can I find a woman like that' and you're like' LIKE JESSE'S GIRL!' Ah that's good shit, somebody's always, that's like fucking duck duck goose or whatever that shit is, with fucking chairs? Duck du - Matt Nathanson

  • "WHoa, I don;t know what that was, but that's some sort of eagle scream. All the dogs in the neighborhood just shit themselves. Like whatever that scream was, that was the frequency dog's shit at. You just fucking vibrated their fucking rectums open...hit - Matt Nathanson

  • ...
    Matt Nathanson

    someone in the crowd yells a song Matt:We're learning it Another song is screamed from the crowd Matt: We're learning it 'Weight of it All' is screamed Matt:We're learning it