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  • Hear that? That's feedback. It means we are good... When shit starts to burn, that means we are really good. Just be sure to know your exits. - 2005-10-23

  • Hey cool, you have a broken drumstick down your chest. Wow, and you look like you're ten and I'm going to hell...(someone yells "she's 18")... well isn't that perfect. - Matt

  • Audience member: "WINGS!" Matt: I'm already going to play it...Are you high? No? Oh you must just be an idiot. - Matt

  • About Wings: "This song is about a girl who is completely infatuated with me....(he goes on for five minutes about how amazing this girl is)... This song completely fake. I made it all up. - Matt

  • "OH my gosh, that girl has a drumstick in her cleavage!" - Matt Nathanson

  • Matt: Are you wearing a glove? Kid: Yeah, its my drinking glove. So my beer doesn't slip> Matt: Are you obsessive compulsive? Do you have to line your shoes up together beside your bed before you can sleep everynight? Kid: (Holds up obscene pinky fing - Matt Nathanson

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    That's way the bestest asenwr so far!