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  • Tonight is going to rock, I guarantee you. You are going to run home tonight, naked, and possibly on fire. - Matt Nathanson

  • (singing improv) Colorado... you sexy bitches... I love the way you ride bikes, and climb mountains, and... eat granola. (to a group of fans from Wyoming) And Wyoming is sexy in its own way, too. - Matt Nathanson

  • Wyoming, I am here for you. As if I were a big metal buffalo. - Matt Nathanson

  • She wanted to suck on my elbow. I cannot think of a less erogenous area. She may as well have been sucking on my heel. - Matt Nathanson

  • I\'m like Maria from West Side Story. I\'m trying to keep everyone calm and I\'m going to end up getting fucking stabbed in the end. - Matt Nathanson

  • Now I sound like John Denver and the Muppets. (busts into John Denver) It\'s in eeeeevvvv-rrrrryyy oooonnnne of us... You fill up my senses, like... like squirrels in the forest. - Matt Nathanson

  • MATT (to a rowdy group of fans from Wyoming): What\'s that? Gimme! (looking at the wristband they throw him) UW Cowboys. CSU CROWD: BOOOOOOOOOO!! MATT (violently throwing the wristband back into the crowd): Ahhh! Why are you giving me that? I thought we - Matt Nathanson

  • Now we\'re getting all West Side Story here. (sings) When you\'re a Jet, you\'re a Jet all the way, from your first cigarette to your last dying day... I can see only four of us know show tunes. - Matt Nathanson

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    Matt Nathanson

    Can i get more wedge, thats code, its a sexual position..later can we get more wedge