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10:49:20 am

+ PTW Site Feedback

When posting new dates to the Tour Date page, we've been adding a news item on the front page to MAKE SURE that you know the dates are out there. This has seemed especially important in this last month when there are SO MANY dates on the horizon. It seems like you could easily not realize that new dates were posted.

Posting the new date notifications seems to clutter up the "real" news on the main page about Matt and his milestones. One thought I have is to start a semi-permanent thread where I note the tour dates added on any given day in THAT thread instead of in the NEWS section on the main page.

Where would you like to see it? If we choose the thread post option, it would be inherently visible (i.e. would move to the top of the TOPICS) once I post which new tour dates were added in that thread.

Feedback is welcome - I'd still like to post tour announcements in the NEWS section, but the random addition of the lesser known dates or subsequent dates on an previously announced tour seem to clutter that section.

Let me know what you think.

11:58:51 am

+ PTW Site Feedback

An idea would be to updat the news with 'tour dates added' and then marking on the tour date page which dates had just been added. That way we know there are new dates but you don't have to list them on the main page.

4:47:34 pm

+ PTW Site Feedback

Marko, that's a good idea -- that way there are clues wherever one is used to looking for tour date info.

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