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01:27:38 am

+ Can't remember song tag info

This has been stuck in my head for weeks now and it's starting to drive me insane. I have too many Matt concerts downloaded to find the song I was listening to--I looked but I can't find it, I can't find the lyrics online. It's really starting to bug me, so I turn to you. I think it was a recent recording, but it might also have been a really old one.

The tag (end of a song, don't know which one, sorry that would help) was something along the lines of "I love you because I need to, not because I want you..." And that's all I've got. Need and want may be switched, but I don't remember.

Any help identifying the song that this tag is from and or which concert Matt sang it at would be greatly appreciated.

02:32:12 am

+ Can

i know exactly what you're talking about. i want to say that it was a U2 song because i've answered this question soon as i remember, i'll post it.

02:53:53 am

+ Can

check the chatter.

08:44:22 am

+ Can

oh man how annoying. I think I know what you're talking about too but can't put my finger on it at the moment. ahhhhhhhhhhh

10:26:09 am


A friend figured it out for me. I will share so as to not afflict the rest of you.

The outro was Lucky Boy from the MSU show from 04.29.2007.

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