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New Album and new tour dates - derek 2015-07-28 12:29:08
Matt announced via his mailing list that the new album titled "show me your fangs" will be release on 10/2. I've added the album to our discography along with the tracks. Check it out here.

Additionally I added the upcoming solo /w Aaron Tapp tour dates to the tour pages
12:43:15 am

+ New Album and new tour dates

In Matt's email today he mentioned "every ticket purchased for the tour comes with a digital copy of the album (which can be downloaded on release day, 10/2/15)."

Does that mean if I buy two tickets to the show I am also having to pay for two copies of the new album?

08:38:08 am

+ New Album and new tour dates

Here is a link to Matts new song "Giants" of the new album, that was included in the latest e-mail. I hope its okay for me to share this link. If its deemed inappropriate, please remove this topic.

PS: The song is fantastic!

03:00:09 am

+ New Album and new tour dates

Definitely his greatest mainstream sounding sound yet. Wow. What a track! Im really impressed! Usually when he tries new stuff that sounds so different from the 'Beneath These Fireworks' Matt nathanson I like the best, like Faster, Kinks Shirt, Gold in the Summertime Im very against it, but this one NAILS IT! Love it!

9:27:28 pm

+ New Album and new tour dates

On the track listing for Show Me Your Fangs you have Shouting on their twice and left off Playlists & Apologies.

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