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9:01:15 pm

+ Phillip Phillips co-headlining tour & taping

Heya... I'm sure you all got the mailing list email today with the summer tour dates (YAY!). Just thought I would pass this along regarding audio taping for the tour, this is direct from Phillip Phillips' twitter account:

I do allow it. As long as you don't sell it! Ha but You can for my show not sure about Matt


Hopefully the venues won't be awful about it now, but that is reassuring!

5:14:05 pm

+ Phillip Phillips co-headlining tour & taping

haven't seen matt in so long!!!! Might have to travel this tour :(

10:04:11 am

+ Phillip Phillips co-headlining tour & taping

As an update, I went to the Dayton (Huber Heights) show last night and the venue wouldn't let me in with my gear. So apparently it's completely up to the venues this tour :( I may try to stealth tape in Columbus, we'll see how that goes.

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