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New Site! - derek 2016-06-30 09:42:01
For the past 6-9 months or so I've been working in my spare time to create a new set list site. This will be more of a wiki style site where users contribute to it. To start with I've grabbed all the set lists I could from and There are obviously a lot of data cleanup to do as the archive sets are not the cleanest.

I'd appreciate any feedback anyone here has on the site. Good, Bad, Missing features, etc.. There's a lot that still needs to be added but I think there is a good functional base.

For those of you with accounts your email and attendance lists have been migrated to the new site. Just use the "forgot password" link to create a new password for the site.


11:15:12 am

+ New Site!

I just signed in to the new site, and I think it's got potential. Too bad my attendance stats couldn't transfer over, but that's ok - it's fun going back through the shows to see which ones I attended. I'll be at the show on 7/6 and will be sure to contribute the set list to the new site!

3:15:34 pm

+ New Site!

There was a bug with the attendance migrations. It should be fixed now if you used "forgot my password" with the email you had used previously.

[ edit post ]
2:12:53 pm


9:13:04 pm

+ New Site!

When I click on "forgot password" and enter my email that I had on here, it states: An error occurred while processing your request. :(

05:15:06 am

+ Reliable Hemp Companies

Has anyone used CBD before? I am very keen to get some CBD Oil for PTSD. Can someone recommend a trusted CBD brand? I am presently deciding between JustCBD and AmourCBD. Thanks in advance

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