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:: Memorabilia :: >> Magazines

BAM #541

  1. Short feature (and photo) on p.12 - "The Beat - A Little Night Music"
Magazine: BAM
Issue Number: 541
Issue Date: Aug 28 1998
UPC Number: n/a

Notes: This was a short-lived, free Bay-Area Music Magazine.
BAM #557

  1. Short feature (and photo) on p.36 - "14 Days In The Bay"
Magazine: BAM
Issue Number: 557
Issue Date: Apr 23 1999
UPC Number: n/a

Notes: Promoting his May 1 show at Hotel Utah. This was a short-lived, free Bay-Area Music Magazine.
Filter #4

  1. Contains the "Universal Language" compilation CD.
Magazine: Filter
Issue Number: Vol.1, No.4
Issue Date: Feb/Mar 2003
UPC Number: 0 74470 579403 01


Matt Nathanson

Theres no way you could be that dumb to yell freebird and be sober, o you are sober, Your just dumb then, thats too bad for you, your parents must be sad