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TV Musical Appearances
Dawson's Creek
  1. Loud
Channel: WB
Show Info: Episode #87: #506 "Use Your Disillusion"
Airing Date: Nov 7 2001

Notes: Joey's not sure how to act when Dawson visits her in Boston for the first time since Mitch's death. Tobey pays Jack a surprise visit. Scene: Dawson says goodbye to Joey as he heads back to Capeside. Jen and Tobey waiting for the airport bus to pick him up. Still Waiting For Spring version
  1. Princess
Channel: WB
Show Info: Season 2, Episode #19: Precipice
Airing Date: Apr 22 2003

Notes: Clark loses control and injures a college student who almost assaulted Lana; Helen's ex-boyfriend returns to try and win her back. When Everything Meant Everything version
  1. Lucky Boy
Channel: WB
Show Info: Season 1, Episode #27: East Meets West
Airing Date: Oct 6 2003

Notes: Andy's well-intentioned plan to give Ephram more free time by hiring college student Madison Kellner as a caretaker for Delia ends up making things worse when Madison treats Ephram like a child as well, and embarrasses him in front of Amy. Beneath These Fireworks version
Joan of Arcadia
  1. I Saw
Channel: CBS
Show Info: Bringeth It On
Airing Date: Oct 31 2003

Notes: Matt is played in the last scene as the camera pans out on the family eating dinner.

Matt Nathanson

its gonna be one of those moments where im just sliding around in the thunder pants...whats going on down there yoda? fucking degobah system...