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Universal Records >>
Beneath These Fireworks

Release Date:
Catalog Number: B0001140-02
UPC Number: 6 02498 60798 5
Release Date: Oct 14 2003
Production: Album
Packaging: Jewel
  1. Angel
  2. Suspended
  3. Sad Songs
  4. I Saw
  5. Bare
  6. Little Victories
  7. Pretty the World
  8. Curve of the Earth
  9. Bent
  10. Lucky Boy
  11. Weight of it All
  12. Sing Me Sweet
Matt Nathanson

--To an obnoxious kid in the audience-- Are you even old enough to be flicking me off? Oh, you're ass. You're 16 and you still get drunk on cough syrup. Go home, your mom's tit is missing your mouth.