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All Been Said Before

I am held together by clothes pins
and tension, a wealth of odds and ends
I'm dazzling like the neon street sign
hiccuping off and on again all night long
I've got magazine friends
and enough jealousy to lose them all
But I know this has all been said before
I shed what escape my fiction provided
I lived a lifetime inside of my shelter
and thought it about time to see outside
And I believed it was easy,
stupidly thought I could just get up and walk away
I've got illness hugging me like skin
and I'll shed it clean until I can taste the oxygen.

Live Setlist Database:
'All Been Said Before'
Played in 2015:1
Played in 2014:2
Played in 2012:2
Played in 2011:2
Played in 2009:1
Played in 2008:3
Played in 2007:2
Played in 2006:2
Played in 2005:14
Played in 2004:10
Played in 2003:26
Played in 2002:46
Last played on:2015-10-13
All Been Said Before

Not Colored Too Perfect
At the Point
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

There's just a certain point in the tour when the guitar decides to rebel. It's sick of being left in the trunk