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Continue Dreaming

I shouldn't need to wish that I am all I am not
I shouldn't need to always offer you my thoughts, but I do
And I've opened myself up to the wrong and felt that pain
And I've opened myself all up to you and felt the same
Please don't explain, just let me continue dreaming
You understand what hurts me but I was the one who made that known
And now it seems my time is over and I need some time alone
And I've opened myself up to the wrong and felt that pain
And I've opened myself all up to you and felt the same
Please don't explain, just let me continue dreaming
Why must I be affected
by the words of those who know not what they've said?
You're no longer someone I'll remember
but someone I'll regret.

Live Setlist Database:
'Continue Dreaming'
Played in 2009:1
Played in 2006:1
Played in 2004:6
Played in 2003:1
Played in 2002:3
Played in 2001:2
Last played on:2009-08-30
Continue Dreaming

Photo: Jason Tang


Someone get this man a girlfriend. . .or a boyfriend. . .or just slap his ass