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Curve of the Earth

I tried to come down from you
I tried with your voice in my head
Knocking me back
Every inch I moved
I'm a sucker for a good lie
The way you say you understand
and how you always talk of catching me
but never open up your hand

Tell me does the world revolve the same
Tell me do the people all take care of you
Did you doubt the curve of the earth
And every word..
Every word
I'll bet you heard

I know you hear me catch your breath
But I'm not listening for the right words anymore
I'll take what's left
You're vicious like the blue sky
Right before the rain comes pouring through
Tell me does he look like me at all
Cause they're all an awful lot like you

Tell me does the world revolve the same
Tell me do the people all take care of you
Did you doubt the curve of the earth
And every word..
Every word...

Tell me does the world look all insane
Tell me how the people all just scare you
Did you doubt the curve of the earth
And every word..
Every word... I'll bet you heard

Tell me does the world revolve the same
Tell me do the people all take care of you
Did you doubt the curve of the earth
And every word..
Every word...

Tell me does the world look all insane
Tell me how the people alljust scare you
Did you doubt the curve of the earth
And every word..
Every word... I'll bet you heard
Did you doubt the curve of the earth
Did you doubt the curve of the earth

Live Setlist Database:
'Curve of the Earth'
Played in 2015:3
Played in 2014:4
Played in 2013:1
Played in 2012:1
Played in 2011:6
Played in 2010:2
Played in 2009:7
Played in 2008:26
Played in 2007:7
Played in 2006:10
Played in 2005:19
Played in 2004:66
Played in 2003:10
Played in 2002:19
Last played on:2015-10-19
Curve of the Earth
Curve of the Earth

Beneath These Fireworks
At the Point
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

So you're saying that you lost your virginity today to that girl. You're either the most insensitive human being or a liar.