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Everything You Say it Sounds Like Gospel

I've got bravery that shorts out on me
I see superstars in common thieves
And I see all you give up
And I try to be as much

Everything you say it sounds like gospel
Everything you say it sounds like gospel to me

I feel cheated
Tangled up repeatedly
Owed a piece of everything
Still you come around
With scissors to cut me down

Everything you say it sounds like gospel
Everything you say it sounds like gospel to me

It's all I can do to win for you

Live Setlist Database:
'Everything You Say it Sounds Like Gospel'
Played in 2009:1
Played in 2008:1
Played in 2005:2
Played in 2004:3
Played in 2001:1
Last played on:2009-08-30
Everything You Say it Sounds Like Gospel

Still Waiting for Spring
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

(While playing at Memphis in May) "That was great. You would think this city had a musical background or something"