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Falling Apart

Maybe it's because I'm crazy,
Maybe it's because I just can't,
Honestly tell you what I want.
It's never enough to stay still and hold you,
To break loose and run the taste of you,
Wild on my tongue.

Am I no good to you now?
Am I no good to you now?
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
We're spilling over.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
We're falling apart.

Spent my days with doctors,
And my nights with crooks,
And all of them who sell me for a song.
So I'm here.
Safe Dear.
A fiction in your arms.

Am I no good to you now?
Am I no good to you now?
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
We're spilling over.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
We're falling apart.

I'm giving up.
Starting over.
I wanna be,
I wanna hold you.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
We're Falling apart.

Cause all I say,
It doesn't matter anyway.
All I say,
It doesn't matter anyway.
I'm giving up,
So call my bluff.
Cause I just need to be reminded who I am.
I'm falling apart.

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
We're spilling over.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
We're falling apart.

So get me out
Start me over
For heaven's changed
I should have told you
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh whoa-oh
I'm falling apart.

So wanna be loved?
So wanna be loved?
So come on now
Come on love.

Live Setlist Database:
'Falling Apart'
Played in 2015:5
Played in 2014:2
Played in 2013:2
Played in 2012:8
Played in 2011:6
Played in 2009:42
Played in 2008:63
Played in 2007:39
Last played on:2015-10-19
Falling Apart

Some Mad Hope
iTunes Session
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

"WHoa, I don;t know what that was, but that's some sort of eagle scream. All the dogs in the neighborhood just shit themselves. Like whatever that scream was, that was the frequency dog's shit at. You just fucking vibrated their fucking rectums open...hit