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Lost Myself in Search of You

I was holding you so tight and you were holding me
So wrapped up in the moment I was feeling such security
And the first few weeks felt just like heaven,
but I never really seemed to get that high
So now I sit here laughing at the time that past me by.
It s times like these, when I feel I'm on my knees begging
please don't go.
And as you slipped away I couldn't admit that we were
As you slipped away
I found I lost myself in search of you
I was holding you so tight and you were holding him
But you left the door so wide open that I was sure you'd come
back in
And now the only time I can hold you is in my mind
And that doesn't seem to fill me up inside
So yes I felt lonely and yes I felt a need
And you seemed to feel it necessary to make me see
That I was wrong and you were right
And that all my attempts were in vain
But I was pretty sure you'd turn around and want me back
And as you slipped away I couldn't admit that we were
As you slipped away I found I lost myself in you
I was holding you so tightly when you needed help
I guess insecurities catch up to you when You're lying to
But I wasn't lying when I told you all that you could be
But it was no use, you never really ever listened to me
I was holding you so tight but now I've let you go.

Live Setlist Database:
'Lost Myself in Search of You'
Played in 2011:1
Played in 2010:1
Played in 2009:13
Played in 2008:17
Played in 2007:18
Played in 2006:77
Played in 2005:58
Played in 2004:120
Played in 2003:82
Played in 2002:10
Last played on:2011-05-16
Lost Myself in Search of You

At the Point
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

Last night we did a show at this church and we couldn't swear, so tonight I'm just gonna say...fuck.