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Mission Bells

I had a dream you died
and I just want to be with you tonight
mission bells were ringing
somewhere higher
I let you get away
I let you get away

what kind of man misunderstands
a woman like you
see her in black in white

its 5am and phone book says you're not alone
in the cold gray morning light
the only one that's left to trust
my faithless heart it wasted us

I had a dream you died
and I just want to be with you tonight
mission bells were ringing
somewhere higher
I let you get away
I let you get away

what kind of fool things loves a prison or a handicap
only says goodbye
sinking fast in the rocky waters off Alcatraz
his friends says suicide

the only one that's left to trust
my faithless heart that's wasted us

I had a dream you died
and I just want to be with you tonight
mission bells were ringing
somewhere higher
I let you get away
I let you get away

I'm the end of a Hitchcock movie
a little dark and a lot confusing
I'm the last of the worst pretenders
so lost, so lost in love

I had a dream you died
and I just want to be with you tonight
mission bells were ringing
somewhere higher
I let you get away
I let you get away

Live Setlist Database:
'Mission Bells'
Played in 2014:18
Played in 2013:48
Last played on:2014-08-24
Last of the Great Pretenders
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

Is this a very religous school, because at some of those religous schools they don't like the fuck, but I guess you guys are ok with the fuck