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Last Days of Summer in San Francisco

we spent july in a berkley basement
half read books and bold decorations
there was so much I didn't believe in them
there was you
you made me brave, you made me stupid
gave me the skin that I could move in

we're going to leave them where they stand
leave them where they love...
no one cares about the stories they're not in
we'll fade out to whispers
it's the last days of summer in San Francisco

the kitchen is cold and the tea kettle whistles
the J church rolls and rattles our windows
there's no nostalgia here its just now, baby now
I was a fire that you started
of course I knew everything that I wanted

we're going to leave them where they stand
leave them where they love...
no one cares about the stories they're not in
we'll fade out to whispers
it's the last days of summer in San Francisco
the last days of summer in San Francisco

no one cares about the stories they're not in
we'll fade out to whispers
it's the last days of summer in San Francisco
last days of summer in San Francisco

Live Setlist Database:
'Last Days of Summer in San Francisco'
Played in 2015:2
Played in 2014:2
Played in 2013:3
Last played on:2015-10-16
Last of the Great Pretenders
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

Were the fluffers for OAR see were going to go slow ,get you nipples hard and those special places wet then were going to get OAR out here to finish the job