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Kink's Shirt

rent love, run in circles.
sweet fiction silhouette.
meet me at 9th and irving,
let's do things we can both regret.

it's all there in your chipped red fingernails.
it's all there in the twist of your pigtails.

it's the way she walks,
the way she talks,
can't stop thinking
about the girl in the kinks shirt.
take me home, san francisco.
can't stop thinking about the girl in the kinks shirt.
you and my imagination,
you and my imagination,
you and my imagination,
can't stop thinking about the girl in the kinks shirt.

sidewalk mariachis,
i see you in your party dress.
played out sid and nancy,
bring on the apocalypse.

don't need no songs playing on the radio,
get my truth from your thrift store halo.

getting what you want can break your heart.

Live Setlist Database:
'Kink's Shirt'
Played in 2016:2
Played in 2015:33
Played in 2014:45
Played in 2013:46
Last played on:2016-02-03
Last of the Great Pretenders
Photo: Jason Tang