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Never Forget My Memories

I have to stop feeling so sorry for myself
But I always have to lean on my own shoulder
Because I can't lean on anyone else
And it hurts so much to misunderstand and I'm always
But I'll never forget my memories, even though I should
I have to learn that I can't have all that I once did
Because I kept reaching for security that you couldn't afford to
And it hurts so much to misunderstand,
and I'm always misunderstood
But I'll never forget my memories, even though I should

Live Setlist Database:
'Never Forget My Memories'
Played in 2004:1
Last played on:2004-10-30
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

"Here's a little fact you may not know about me. I dated Ashley and Jessica Simpson." Guy in audience: "Me too!" Matt: "Yeah, I remember you. You were the foot in my ass. It was all nice, all hands...then it was OH that's a big toe!"