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Sad Songs

I've been waiting up for you to rescue me
to come around and cover everything
I'm relying on my best memories
to breathe for me
breathe for me

I'm so much better than all of this
all of this
tired of singing all the sad songs in my head
but I can't find enough of anything
to drown out what you said

I can still smell summer on your skin
and I can still remember giving in
wrapped all up in your hips and in your sheets

it felt great falling
great falling

I'm so much better than all of this
all of this
I'm tired of singing all the sad songs in my head
but I can't find enough of anything
to drown out what you said

sometimes I find I catch myself letting you back in
I'm so tired of singing all the sad songs in my head

I feel so faded
so far gone
nothing surprises me anymore

I'm much better now
I'm tired of singing all the sad songs in my head
but I can't find enough of anything
to drown out what you said

sometimes I find I catch myself letting you back in
I'm so tired of singing all the sad songs in my head

Live Setlist Database:
'Sad Songs'
Played in 2011:6
Played in 2010:3
Played in 2008:23
Played in 2007:9
Played in 2006:37
Played in 2005:50
Played in 2004:93
Played in 2003:70
Played in 2002:14
Last played on:2011-10-23
Sad Songs
Sad Songs

Beneath These Fireworks
Photo: Jason Tang


(about Edward Cullen) "He's a fucking K Jewlers add"