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Lyrics | Discography | Tabs | Lyric Game
Wide Eyed and Full

Lately I can t tell my friends from my enemies
when it use to seem so clear
I tried rebellion once and look where it s gotten me
Banging apologies against your deaf ears
And she said, "sing me a sweet song tonight,
sing me a new song tonight"
We used to lie side by side
and I would cover myself in you
We used to lie, but I'm no longer so wide-eyed and full
Lately, I can't tell where all this is taking me
I'm spilling over and spitting spiteful words
There was a time once when I understood my cruelty,
but now I'm not so sure.

Live Setlist Database:
'Wide Eyed and Full'
Played in 2010:2
Played in 2008:1
Played in 2007:1
Played in 2006:6
Played in 2005:10
Played in 2004:16
Played in 2003:15
Played in 2002:12
Played in 2001:3
Last played on:2010-10-22
Wide Eyed and Full

Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

the best part about this song is that the girl that it's about, if i bumped into her on the street, she would have no idea who the hell i was. and here i am thirteen years later still playing it