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if i bent like you said was best,
would that change a thing?
if i spent myself... or what's left
would you still leave me here?

you're so sorry about it all
now that it's over..
should i thank you for that dear?
you're so sorry about it all...
and i hope you'll always be.

i remember you best
hating all the boys who got to you
and all the things they took
that you'd kept for yourself
every car crash, every misstep, every word

you're so sorry about it all
now that it's over..
Should i thank you for that dear?
you're so sorry about it all...
and i hope you'll always be
always be.

i remember you best
hating all the boys who got to you
and all the things they took from you again...
it's all wrong...all wrong

Live Setlist Database:
Played in 2015:5
Played in 2014:2
Played in 2013:1
Played in 2012:1
Played in 2011:1
Played in 2010:1
Played in 2009:1
Played in 2008:5
Played in 2007:19
Played in 2006:21
Played in 2005:42
Played in 2004:50
Played in 2003:31
Last played on:2015-10-22

When Everything Meant Everything
Beneath These Fireworks
Ear Snacks Vol.1
At the Point
Left and Right - Live @ Fingerprints
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

So I decided that it was no longer important to reflect fact in your songs, but just to fuckin lie