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Am I pretty enough for you now that my ribs show through?
With a little makeup I can look brand new, but can I be pretty
enough for you?
Fill me with secrets and I'll never tell
fatten me up, and I'll feed you well
you can polish me perfectly and I'll shine pristine
but not even a cherub is this clean
Am I all that you d hoped that I would be, hanging on
to the words that I'm finding so hard to believe?
Am I all that you d hoped that I would be?
Why don't you just stop me if I'm sounding ungrateful
Why don't you stop me if I'm coming on a bit too strong.

Live Setlist Database:
Last played on:
Not Colored Too Perfect
Photo: Jason Tang
Matt Nathanson

Woo, slowly but surely shit's gonna start getting hard on you, you know what I'm sayin, that's what I'm talking about, a little togethernes, a little group orgasm, we'll get you there.... they'll be moppin this place up by the end of the night, huh! Oh sh